The SME portfolio is Flemish aid that companies in Flanders can use to obtain certain specific advice from third parties or to pay for training for their employees or managers. As part of the budgetary measures, the Flemish government has reduced this aid. Other than that, there has been no change in the conditions for its use and the arrangements for granting it.
As of 1 December 2019
Small enterprises
As of 1 December 2019, small enterprises that invest in training and (specific) advice will still be able to obtain a 30% subsidy if they use the SME portfolio (till the end of November it was 40%).
A small enterprise is an autonomous company with fewer than 50 employees and an annual turnover of maximum EUR 10 million or a balance sheet total of maximum EUR 10 million.
Medium-sized enterprises
For medium-sized enterprises, the conditions for using the SME portfolio for training and (specific) advice are the same as for small enterprises, but as of 1 December 2019 they will be able to obtain a 20% subsidy (instead of 30% before 1 December).
From January 2020
As of 1 January 2020 the maximum amount of subsidy per year for both small and medium-sized enterprises will be EUR 7,500 (until 1 December 2019 it was EUR 10,000 for small and EUR 15,000 for medium-sized enterprises).
It is all about the amount of the subsidy! For a small enterprise, a maximum of EUR 7,500 in subsidies, at a subsidy rate of 30%, means that the company reaches the maximum when it wants to use the SME portfolio to help pay for training and/or advice costing more than EUR 25,000 per year (excl. VAT).
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.