Your personal data is processed by the firms listed below, which collectively form the Bofidi group.
Obviously you can contact any of the addresses above for questions relating to privacy. Or, better still, email our privacy experts at
With regard to clients, service providers and business relations, Bofidi may process one or more of the following types of personal data, depending on the service performed by Bofidi or the relationship between the person concerned and Bofidi:
Employee-related data that is processed by Bofidi can be found in the privacy documents attached to the employment contract.
The retention period depends on the type of data and is determined by law in the majority of cases. More information can be obtained on request.
Bofidi takes great care to ensure that Your data is processed legally and in compliance with the privacy legislation. Your personal data will therefore only be processed on a number of legal grounds.
Bofidi is obliged to process and/or store some data due to particular legal provisions of, for example, a social, employment or fiscal nature.
The main reason for processing personal data is that it is necessary on contractual grounds, for the performance of Bofidi’s contractual obligations. These grounds include, for example – but are not limited to – Bofidi’s obligations as an employer (employment contract), as a service provider (client contracts) and as a business partner.
Bofidi is also entitled to use certain personal data for research, marketing, the improvement or expansion of its services and for sending its own, very specifically targeted and relevant informative messages, newsletters and advertising. Bofidi does not pass on data to any companies outside the group for these purposes. Any mailing sent on legitimate grounds will be subjected internally to very careful prior scrutiny, with the protection of privacy as the main concern.
It is possible that Bofidi may in some cases have to deal with sensitive personal data. In most cases Bofidi will be legally obliged to process this data, for example, as part of a tax return (national registration number, dependent children, etc.). As Bofidi considers privacy to be extremely important, it will also, where necessary, ask for approval to process this sensitive data.
In accordance with the applicable privacy laws and in particular the provisions of the GDPR, You as the person concerned have the following rights.
The abovementioned requests will only be dealt with if they are motivated and are submitted in writing by letter or by email to In order to be able to deal with Your requests quickly, we ask You to identify yourself with a copy or scan of Your identity card.
Bofidi undertakes to respond to and/or to deal with the abovementioned requests as quickly as possible, free of charge and in a comprehensible way.
Bofidi reserves the right to enter into dialogue with the person concerned before complying with the request. Bofidi can refuse a request when the person concerned clearly already has this information at his or her disposal, when the request is not motivated, when a person fails to prove that s/he is the person concerned, if it would demand unreasonable effort to provide the information requested, if it is technically impossible to provide it or if it is not possible to comply with one of the requests within the requested time limit.
Your personal data is only passed on to third parties if that is necessary for the services Bofidi provides. In order to guarantee the protection of personal data, Bofidi has – after a due diligence investigation – concluded a third-party processing agreement with these third-party processors, so that the protection of Your personal data remains guaranteed.
Some third parties to whom the data is entrusted may be located abroad, in that case Bofidi takes extra care to guarantee the protection of personal data.
Bofidi has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of Your personal data. Amongst other things, the company uses the latest security software.
Bofidi also implements a strict password policy and all Bofidi’s employees are informed about the dangers of data leaks and how to prevent them.
A data leak is a breach of the security of personal data which results in the unauthorised or unlawful disclosure, dissemination, loss, alteration or destruction of certain personal data.
Since this type of incident always comes as a surprise, Bofidi has made all reasonable preparations to prevent a data leak turning into a catastrophe.
Bofidi pays the necessary attention to the prevention of such incidents by training and informing its employees, ensuring third-party processors’ protection criteria and setting up a privacy team that closely monitors all questions concerning privacy.
However, should such an incident occur, Bofidi has developed internal procedures, some in consultation with an external law firm, in order to obtain an insight into the problem quickly, to carry out an investigation into the seriousness and extent of the breach and, finally, to make a correct assessment of further consequences.
Bofidi is insured for this sort of incident.
Bofidi takes the protection of Your privacy seriously. Nonetheless, You may have a question about the protection of Your personal data by Bofidi. In that case, please contact our privacy team at