Sooner or later every entrepreneur has to deal with defaulters. BOFIDI Legal recently explained in another B-FLASH how you can deal with this preventively by establishing strong(er) contractual terms.
Besides, BOFIDI Consulting and BOFIDI Legal are the right partners for you to go after defaulters:
1/ You can engage BOFIDI Consulting to improve debtor management in your company. We can advise you, for example, on adjusting the way you work or providing extra people temporarily. But we can also help you select and set up a debtor management system, such as iController for example, of which we as BOFIDI Consulting are a certified partner.
If your company is not looking for a system to be set up by us or by yourselves, you can also join the BOFIDI Consulting platform. On the platform we take on part of the debtor management on behalf of your company according to a process we establish together. Training and expertise sharing are fully included.
2/ In addition, BOFIDI Legal can also be engaged as lawyers to defend your rights. They can assist you in (among other things) the following legal proceedings:
i. Summary legal proceedings to order payment
Refers to a simplified procedure to recover a money debt of a limited amount through written proceedings before the Justice of the Peace.
ii. IOS procedure (Recovery of Uncontested money debts)
The IOS procedure is an administrative procedure to recover uncontested money debts. The procedure is conducted directly through the bailiff without having to go through the court, but the intervention of a lawyer is mandatory.
iii. European Payment Order
The European Payment Order procedure is an effective judicial procedure for international uncontested claims in commercial matters. The court handles the case in writing using a standard form to be submitted with supporting documents in the language of the competent court.
iv. Classic procedure before the Enterprise Court
A procedure in which the case is pleaded before the court. This procedure is possible for disputed as well as uncontested claims where there is no ceiling on the size of the claim, but it may take longer in certain cases.
Our Bofidi experts will be happy to assist you further.
Contact us if you want to take a closer look at your debtor management. We will be pleased to assist you in determining the appropriate strategy.